Youllsee Methodology
You will see a quality methodology set up aiming for speed as well as completeness to streamline the process.
We support you with a personalized and privileged relationship in order to achieve a successful fundraising.
We take into account the wishes and constraints of our clients: amount, origin of funds, geography, sector of activity, duration of the loan...
Step 1
Making contact and requesting initial documents.
Step 2
Selection of investors and create connexion between partners.
Step 3
Negotiation between partners.
Step 4
Signature of the proposal.
Step 1
After analysis of the presentation of the project and an interview, we ask for the first constituent elements of the funds raising.
After the sending and signing of the Commission Agreement, the customer then sends us all the documents in the file constituting his request.

Step 2
After payment of the upfront fees, our connexion mission begins. We then send the client's teaser to targeted investors.
The client can follow all the steps from sending the teaser to signing the contract, in complete transparency and confidentiality, in a secure and dedicated website.
After discussion and agreement with the client, we send the complete file to the investor.
After the investor's agreement, the connexion is then established.
Step 3
The negotiation of the terms of the contract between the investor and theproject's owner takes place at this stage.

Step 4
Signature of the contract between the investor and the project's owner.
Payment of Youllsee's commission once the funds have been received by the client.